
— About Us —

This Church is a group of born-again Christians whose desire is to serve the Living God. We seek to know God’s will in our lives, and to totally commit our lives to him.

We want to be true disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ and to know what it is to take up the cross daily.

We, as a body, want to build up one another and edify one another. We want to love God with all of our heart and serve Him with all of our soul and spirit. (And love our neighbor as we love ourselves.)

We have Jesus as our Savior, but we must also have Him as our Lord. Also, we believe in The Great Commission TO GO OUT and tell the world about Jesus.

If you’re not a Christian, please come and join us or call us. If God is speaking to you now, and you are tired of the sin, the unfulfillment, and the emptiness of your life, Jesus has the answer. Jesus said “come to Me, all who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

ARE YOU SAVED? — No, not “Are you Catholic,  or  are you Baptist?” No, not “Do you go to church?” and No, not “Are you a good person?” Are you SAVED?

Do you have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, His only Son? Here is what we mean:

REALIZE — Realize what? That you are a sinner -

“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) and that “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23) but the same verse goes on to say, “The gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Does this mean unconditional amnesty? No - there are two things we must do to have this gift of eternal life:

REPENT — To repent means to determine to turn away from your selfish and sinful behavior. Repent and be converted (changed) that your sins may be blotted out. (Acts 3:19)

RECEIVE — We mean receive Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior. You must receive Him personally in order to have the joy of salvation that He offers.

“As many as receive Him to them He gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)

Our fellowship (church) is made up of people from all walks of life. We want to help anyone that God is calling. If we can be of any help to you please call or come to one of our services. We have Sunday School classes for the children and a nursery for the little ones.

There is a place here for you, not to be a hearer of the word only, but also a doer of the word as the Bible speaks of in James 1:22. The Lord is leading us into many areas which you can take part. The Lord wants us to be active in His service. He doesn’t need pew warmers - He wants soldiers, active soldiers.

If you are a Christian and still feel a void in your life or that your walk as a Christian is not fulfilled, pray about joining us.